Epic Weekend Part 3: The Trip Home

Sooo….where did we leave off? If you haven’t already, you’ll want to read the first post about our trip across the country, and the second post about our time in Philly… And now we have arrived at the part where I tell you about us getting...

Epic Weekend Part 2: Philadelphia

Did you guys know that Philadelphia is right across the Delaware river from New Jersey? I didn’t. Now I do. Not surprisingly, since clearly I’m not up on my East Coast geography, I was caught a bit off guard by all the New Jersey accents I ran into in...

Epic Weekend Part 1: Cross Country Travel with Twins

It’s wedding season, people. One of my most favorite times of year. I really, really love weddings. I’m going to be that 90 year old woman who still dances to every song at my grandson’s wedding reception after having one too many glasses of...

Stolen Identity

Gottcha! My identity was totally not stolen but I thought it might get some of you to read at least the first line of this post. Ha! This is a post about my identity though and it does feel a bit hijacked at the moment, but it’s something I need to come to terms...

Just Another Day in Paradise

The babies are still winning, but not quite as much. A few weeks ago it felt like we were never going to be able to get our babies to eat or sleep or grow. We had had a few really bad days in a row and it was wearing us down a bit. Well, things have improved, but we...