Sometimes It’s Embarrassing to Be Me

Earlier this evening I played in a soccer game. I feel like I’m a pretty competent player most of the time, but lately, I seem to have lost my touch a bit. Maybe it’s because I left for a year to have twins and have done virtually nothing (aside from binge...

Look What I Can Do!

I’ll admit, I’ve been terrified about Patrick’s residency starting. If you’l recall, I wrote this post a while back about the pros and cons of residency, which was just a way for me to mask my terror for a while. I’ve cried more than a...

Necessary Torture: Sleep Training Twins

Just about every time we take the twins anywhere the three questions we get are: 1. Twins? 2. How old are they? 3. Are you sleeping/how are they sleeping? I had no idea so many people would care if we were sleeping or if our babies were sleeping. Some days I’d...

For A Glorious Summer Vacation Visit Brush Ranch

Sometimes it’s kind of cool to come from a family full of hoarders. Sorry dad, it’s true (and also, have you seen our garage…I’m not exactly immune!). When my parents were cleaning stuff out and throwing a few items away before their move to...

A Reflection After 6 Months

The twins were 6 months last week, which is still totally unbelievable to me. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant, and so, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the last year or so, and really just the parts when I was pregnant, since you...