September 2014 - You're The Heart Of Us

Buying Time

A few weeks ago I read a blog post about keeping a marriage together through residency. There were a few things that really struck me as good ideas: taking a yearly vacation, and “buying time.” I don’t think that I need to explain what taking a...

Neonatal Nurse Day

I know I’ve written several posts about how awesome the nurses were who took care of our little ones right after they were born, but there just aren’t enough ways to say thank you and to express how much I (and the rest of our family) appreciates the...

Read my post somewhere else…

I was recently asked to be a contributor to the Preemies 101 blog, a blog for parents of preemies, by parents of preemies. Read my first post here: http://www.preemiebabies101.com/2014/09/extra-step-made-nicu-stay-bearable/ I’ve enjoyed reading the Preemies 101...

Labor Day Weekend Re-cap

I’m not typically a big fan of recap posts, but this past weekend was just too good not share. Here’s a brief (ha!) rundown of how things went: Thursday morning I woke up bright and early…or dark and early, as the case may be at 4:30. We fed the...