Peanut Butter & Jelly and “Mochas”

Ok, are you ready, this will be my first post in a while that is all encompassing: twins, Brush Ranch, and residency. You’re welcome. In case anyone was wondering, I’m still pumping (refer to this if you don’t know what I’m talking about)....

Kristi and Callie’s Creative Collaboration

Yes, I wanted the name of this post to sound like a Fiesta Day Team from the days of Brush Ranch (read #1 from this post if you’re not sure what I’m talking about). I do my best to stay in touch with a few people from the Brush Ranch days, and every once...

To All the Moms Before Me

I’m not a huge fan of those “open letter to XXX” blog posts, but I feel like it’s appropriate for this sort of confession, so here goes, an open letter to all the moms before me: To all the moms before me, I judged you. All the time. I thought...