
One year ago today, our lives changed forever. Big time. It is absolutely bizarre to think that exactly 365 days ago at this hour I was sitting in the hospital basically unable to sit up and definitely unable to walk. I had only been able to get a quick glimpse of my babies who were, at this point, just a few hours old. I couldn’t have imagined what the next year had in store for us, and it really has been amazing.

I have said countless times how thankful I am for the nurses and doctors who saved all three of our lives, but I’ll say it again…THANK YOU! The men and women who cared for us, and have continued to care for us for the past year are incredible people and I am forever grateful for their compassion, kindness, talent, skill, and understanding!

Our year has been full of ups and downs. Endless diapers. Endless bottles. A round or two of antibiotics. Baby jail. High chairs. Swaddle sacks (seriously, these have saved our sanity). Long walks and short walks. Drives. Carseats. Doctor visits. Sunshine. Family. Friends. Food. Coffee. That darn breast pump. Socks falling off. Smiles. Laughter. Pure joy. Sleep deprivation. Runny noses. Love. Baby monitors. Cheerios. Cheese. Teething. Spit-up. The world’s most patient and annoying dogs. And tons and tons of photos.

I’ve thrown together this slideshow of a mere 1,152 of my favorites from the last year. Get a cup of coffee, sit down, and plan to stay a while, this one is LONG!

…..Oh wait, just kidding. I started working on this slideshow way too late (super early this morning instead of two weeks ago) and it’s not done exporting, it only has 180 more minutes, ha….boo…mom fail. Look for the video tomorrow!


And a few stats for those of you keeping track:

Neala is now 25″ tall and weighs 14 lbs. 11 oz. and has 8 teeth (that she’ll let us see). Her favorite food is Cheerios and her smile grows brighter every single day. She loves laughing and shrieking, is crawling like a maniac and pulling up on everything in sight and can now stand on her own too! Nea is also getting really good at putting the square peg in the square hole with her toys! She has also mastered the pincer grasp.
Rylan is now 26″ tall and weighs 16 lbs. 5 oz. and has 6 teeth (that he’ll let us see). Rylan’s favorite food is food. Seriously, the kid will eat anything. He absolutely loves the dogs and will bark back at them when he hears them barking. He sort of says “dog” too! He loves to laugh too and when the kid is on a mission he puts his head down and crawls like a little bull. He too, is pulling up on everything and is cruising around holding on to furniture and such. He loves to stand and play with his toys.

We celebrated the day by sleeping in…in our beds that is. Until 6:07 a.m.. And then by heading to the doctor to discuss regular one year things along with the pink eye, fevers, and stomach bug that have plagued our house. Then we went for an inter-city (no, not inner city) drive to get the babies to take their morning nap. Then we gorged on double meat cheese burgers (Five Guys burgers added the extra meat at no charge…thanks? I guess?). Next up, more naps, playtime, bed…just the usual.