More More Christmas Treat

More More Christmas Treat

I just looked back at my previous posts, and last year I didn’t do a Christmas post. What the what? I thought it was weird and not very cheery, and so, despite the chain of events I’m about to relay to you, I think you should know up front that this season...
My Village

My Village

It seems like we hit a new milestone almost daily. I’m not talking about just our kids, but in our lives as adults too. I try to spend some time each week reflecting on how far we’ve come in the past few years. This blog was suppose to be my place to do...

Peanut Butter & Jelly and “Mochas”

Ok, are you ready, this will be my first post in a while that is all encompassing: twins, Brush Ranch, and residency. You’re welcome. In case anyone was wondering, I’m still pumping (refer to this if you don’t know what I’m talking about)....

Buying Time

A few weeks ago I read a blog post about keeping a marriage together through residency. There were a few things that really struck me as good ideas: taking a yearly vacation, and “buying time.” I don’t think that I need to explain what taking a...

Labor Day Weekend Re-cap

I’m not typically a big fan of recap posts, but this past weekend was just too good not share. Here’s a brief (ha!) rundown of how things went: Thursday morning I woke up bright and early…or dark and early, as the case may be at 4:30. We fed the...

The Car Saga Continues

Please enjoy this post about basically nothing. As you may remember, a few weeks ago, the wheel on my car flew off at 70 miles per hour. You can read that story here if you missed it. Silly me, I thought that we’d get the car towed to the body shop, jump into a...