Here are some mid week ramblings for your enjoyment:

I ran to the coffee shop yesterday morning with the kids and one Chloe dog. Everyone behaved very well and the weather was perfect. I had to leave the stroller outside because it doesn’t fit in the door of the shop. Don’t worry, I did what any responsible mom would do, I tied the dog to the stroller, put it close to the window and went in and ordered. By myself. I get points for asking the barista to bring the coffee out to me so I could stay with my herd, don’t I? I put the coffee in the little cup holder on the stroller and began to walk home. Coffee/foam went EVERYWHERE. All over the stroller up and down my arms, on my phone, and about half way home I realized my shirt was also covered in coffee. Winning.

I was feeding Neala this morning after having fed Rylan and I had Rylan in his little chair. I guess next time I should strap him in? Look at me…mother of the year.


We live on a dead end street (ironically called “Inspiration Drive”), and on trash day, one trash truck picks up one side of the street and another trash truck picks up the other side. I guess it doesn’t matter that both trucks have to drive up and down both sides of the street? Weird.

I got my hair cut yesterday with a new style, virtually moments (ok, almost a week) after the marvelous Caitlyn Ottinger took some lovely photos of me. Not only did she make me look good, but she made our terrible yard (both front and back) look like some sort of lush jungle.


Since I got my hair cut yesterday I look completely different. So different in fact that not a single person I’ve seen since I cut my hair has noticed.

Other goings ons…Neala has had a fat lip for part of the week because she keeps hitting herself in the face with toys.

Both kiddos are rolling over like crazy and Rylan has been sleeping on his fat little belly. It’s pretty cute.

I have 4, yes 4 loads of clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away.

Our dogs really hate thunder and lightning and they decided to keep me up until midnight last night just being scared. In case you’re wondering what that means, it means they were walking around our room with their little sharp nails clicking all over the wood floor and then coming to my side of the bed and licking any exposed body part. They do this over and over and over and overandovernadovernandoverandover. Then, they try to get under the bed which doesn’t work so well because there’s a bunch of stuff under there, oh, and because they don’t actually fit! This whole being scared business finally wears them out and they sleep directly next to my side of the bed so that when one of the babies decides to wail at 3:00 in the morning I step on a dog on my way to see if said baby is wailing because someone poked them in the eye (that’s the caliber of wail we have going on sometimes), or if they’re sound asleep wailing just for fun.

Last night was awesome.