I had a post planned for today that was all roses and butterflies, ok, well, not exactly roses and butterflies, but graduation hoods and mother’s day. But I’ll save that post for later because today is too monumental a day to just gloss over.

Dad, if you’re reading this, get a box of kleenex, mom you too.

Today marked the last day that any member of the Rice family lived in the Pecos Canyon (more history here). My parents have had the same address for 39 years, that’s  14,244 days, or, if you’d like to be even more specific, 341,866 hours. Whoa. That’s a LOOONNNGGG time. Like, really long.

My mom moved on down to Albuquerque last weekend and we’ve been having a grand ole’ time, and today was dad’s day to move. My dad has spent the majority of his life living on the Brush Ranch property and then the last few weeks just up the road and today, about an hour and a half ago, it was time to leave. Time to start new and fresh.

It’s easy, I mean, really easy, to be sad about our family leaving the Pecos Canyon, but I think it’s important to look at this day as a new, fresh beginning. I’ve heard rumor that when my grandfather was running Brush Ranch, his speech on the first day of camp was always the old chapter book analogy, you know the one, “Today is the first day in the next chapter of your life,” or something along those lines. Well, here it is. Chapter 2 or 5 or 10 or…let’s call it chapter 40. Who cares. But it’s a new chapter and it’s going to be great for our family.

I’m ready to make some new memories, ones that include our kids. Memories that involve our family being so close that we can have completely impromptu dinners on a weeknight. Memories that involve really hot summer days with sprinklers and minor league baseball. Fireworks. The zoo. The aquarium. Memories that are centered around things that the Pecos Canyon just couldn’t offer.

I can’t imagine how my dad is feeling right now, and I haven’t worked up the courage to call him, but I know this day will go down in his books as one of the most difficult of his life. I can’t wait for him to start fresh tomorrow, start fresh with roses and butterflies…or, how about graduation gowns! Tomorrow is a new beginning for all of us, Patrick graduates from medical school  and I’m just so glad we all have a weekend of happy activities planned to start this new chapter, as my grandfather would say.

Hang in there mom and dad, we love you!
