by Alden | Nov 30, 2015 | Brush Ranch, Twins
Though many families have holiday traditions, I’ve always felt like our summertime was more steeped in tradition since that was camp time. We had opening day and final day, vespers and devotional, fiesta day, and many other smaller traditions. But, for the...
by Alden | Oct 25, 2014 | Brush Ranch, Residency, Twins
Ok, are you ready, this will be my first post in a while that is all encompassing: twins, Brush Ranch, and residency. You’re welcome. In case anyone was wondering, I’m still pumping (refer to this if you don’t know what I’m talking about)....
by Alden | Sep 3, 2014 | Residency, Twins
I’m not typically a big fan of recap posts, but this past weekend was just too good not share. Here’s a brief (ha!) rundown of how things went: Thursday morning I woke up bright and early…or dark and early, as the case may be at 4:30. We fed the...
by Alden | Jul 3, 2014 | General, Twins
Here are some mid week ramblings for your enjoyment: I ran to the coffee shop yesterday morning with the kids and one Chloe dog. Everyone behaved very well and the weather was perfect. I had to leave the stroller outside because it doesn’t fit in the door of the...
by Alden | Apr 30, 2014 | General
Our little man has decided that 4:45 is an acceptable time to wake up each morning. He starts whimpering in his bassinet a bit and we play “try to keep the pacifier in the mouth” about 4 times before I give up and put him in the bed with us (I know,...