by Alden | Dec 24, 2015 | Residency, Twins
I just looked back at my previous posts, and last year I didn’t do a Christmas post. What the what? I thought it was weird and not very cheery, and so, despite the chain of events I’m about to relay to you, I think you should know up front that this season...
by Alden | Nov 30, 2015 | Brush Ranch, Twins
Though many families have holiday traditions, I’ve always felt like our summertime was more steeped in tradition since that was camp time. We had opening day and final day, vespers and devotional, fiesta day, and many other smaller traditions. But, for the...
by Alden | Apr 18, 2014 | Residency, Twins
Sure, get out a piece of notebook paper and make one column for pros, the other for cons, then decide if residency is for you and your family. Ha! After four long years of medical school and mountains of debt, you’d better hope that the “pros” column...