Breathe Easier

After a few months of doctor’s appointments and tests, Neala had her tonsils and adenoids removed as well as her turbinates reduced. She was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and after her sleep study, we went to the ear, nose and throat doctor for a follow up...

“Are you in the medical field?”

For months now I’ve been a bit uninspired to blog…sorry! Maybe uninspired isn’t the right word, the real explanation is that my kids went from two naps to one and my husband has an insane schedule and so blogging has taken a back seat. That’s...

365 Days: Happy Birthday Babies!!

One year ago today, our lives changed forever. Big time. It is absolutely bizarre to think that exactly 365 days ago at this hour I was sitting in the hospital basically unable to sit up and definitely unable to walk. I had only been able to get a quick glimpse of...

I Didn’t Expect to Feel This Way

The twins turned 11 months old last week. It’s sort of unbelievable. I’ve had every emotion imaginable in the last 11 months, but the most recent caught me a bit off guard. We had a friend who recently had her second baby. We were so excited when they...

Neonatal Nurse Day

I know I’ve written several posts about how awesome the nurses were who took care of our little ones right after they were born, but there just aren’t enough ways to say thank you and to express how much I (and the rest of our family) appreciates the...