by Alden | Dec 24, 2015 | Residency, Twins
I just looked back at my previous posts, and last year I didn’t do a Christmas post. What the what? I thought it was weird and not very cheery, and so, despite the chain of events I’m about to relay to you, I think you should know up front that this season...
by Alden | Jul 22, 2014 | Twins
I read and read and read about how being a mom to twins would be difficult and scary and time consuming, and it is. There are days like today when both kids have a fever and just want to be held after screaming most of the night. There are days when the amount of...
by Alden | Jun 9, 2014 | Twins
I continue to be amazed each day by our little ones and can’t believe they’re 6 months old! Man, what a 6 months it’s been! The cuteness just kills me sometimes! Of course, every time I look at either of them I’m so thankful for how far...
by Alden | Jun 5, 2014 | Brush Ranch
A few months ago I wrote a post about the early years of Brush Ranch and how my grandparents met and their love story. Well, it’s time for round two, a time period I’ve so cleverly named “The Middle Years.” If someone can come up with a better...
by Alden | May 12, 2014 | Residency, Twins
As I knew it would be, we had the perfect weekend (and in case any of you who read my last post were wondering, I was right, it was a great transition to Albuquerque for my parents). I’m not a huge fan of re-cap posts, but I got a new camera and have to share...