by Alden | Dec 24, 2015 | Residency, Twins
I just looked back at my previous posts, and last year I didn’t do a Christmas post. What the what? I thought it was weird and not very cheery, and so, despite the chain of events I’m about to relay to you, I think you should know up front that this season...
by Alden | Jan 15, 2015 | Brush Ranch
When you think of Brush Ranch Camps, what come to mind first? The laughter of your friends, a hug from your counselor, the warm summer days in the mountains of New Mexico? Maybe all of that and more! Would you like to experience that again? Come to this summer’s...
by Alden | Dec 9, 2014 | Twins
One year ago today, our lives changed forever. Big time. It is absolutely bizarre to think that exactly 365 days ago at this hour I was sitting in the hospital basically unable to sit up and definitely unable to walk. I had only been able to get a quick glimpse of...
by Alden | Sep 3, 2014 | Residency, Twins
I’m not typically a big fan of recap posts, but this past weekend was just too good not share. Here’s a brief (ha!) rundown of how things went: Thursday morning I woke up bright and early…or dark and early, as the case may be at 4:30. We fed the...
by Alden | May 12, 2014 | Residency, Twins
As I knew it would be, we had the perfect weekend (and in case any of you who read my last post were wondering, I was right, it was a great transition to Albuquerque for my parents). I’m not a huge fan of re-cap posts, but I got a new camera and have to share...