by Alden | Dec 17, 2015 | Brush Ranch, Twins
Growing up in the Pecos Canyon there weren’t exactly a lot of children around to play with…unless you count the 15o or so kids who were at Brush Ranch each summer. But really, the residents who lived in the Canyon all year around and who had kids were few...
by Alden | Feb 1, 2015 | Brush Ranch
As you all know, from my last post, we are hosting a Brush Ranch Camps Reunion in July in Albuquerque. Registration is live! Click the button below to register, and for more information about the event, please see click the tab above called “Brush Ranch Camps...
by Alden | Jun 19, 2014 | Brush Ranch
Sometimes it’s kind of cool to come from a family full of hoarders. Sorry dad, it’s true (and also, have you seen our garage…I’m not exactly immune!). When my parents were cleaning stuff out and throwing a few items away before their move to...
by Alden | May 8, 2014 | Brush Ranch, Residency
I had a post planned for today that was all roses and butterflies, ok, well, not exactly roses and butterflies, but graduation hoods and mother’s day. But I’ll save that post for later because today is too monumental a day to just gloss over. Dad, if...
by Alden | May 2, 2014 | Brush Ranch
When my parents decided they were ready to sell a part of the Brush Ranch property a few years back and they decided to keep the 12 acres they ended up on for the last 7 or 8 years, I initially thought they were crazy. At the time, in my mind, it would have made much...