by Alden | Nov 11, 2015 | Twins
After a few months of doctor’s appointments and tests, Neala had her tonsils and adenoids removed as well as her turbinates reduced. She was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and after her sleep study, we went to the ear, nose and throat doctor for a follow up...
by Alden | Dec 1, 2014 | Twins
While it may seem ridiculous to dedicate an entire blog post to pajamas, it’s a topic that’s been weighing heavily on me these last few weeks. Also, this is a big gift buying time of the year and if you’re planning on purchasing any pajamas for small...
by Alden | Sep 3, 2014 | Residency, Twins
I’m not typically a big fan of recap posts, but this past weekend was just too good not share. Here’s a brief (ha!) rundown of how things went: Thursday morning I woke up bright and early…or dark and early, as the case may be at 4:30. We fed the...
by Alden | Jul 3, 2014 | General, Twins
Here are some mid week ramblings for your enjoyment: I ran to the coffee shop yesterday morning with the kids and one Chloe dog. Everyone behaved very well and the weather was perfect. I had to leave the stroller outside because it doesn’t fit in the door of the...
by Alden | Jun 23, 2014 | Twins
Just about every time we take the twins anywhere the three questions we get are: 1. Twins? 2. How old are they? 3. Are you sleeping/how are they sleeping? I had no idea so many people would care if we were sleeping or if our babies were sleeping. Some days I’d...