365 Days: Happy Birthday Babies!!

One year ago today, our lives changed forever. Big time. It is absolutely bizarre to think that exactly 365 days ago at this hour I was sitting in the hospital basically unable to sit up and definitely unable to walk. I had only been able to get a quick glimpse of...

Neonatal Nurse Day

I know I’ve written several posts about how awesome the nurses were who took care of our little ones right after they were born, but there just aren’t enough ways to say thank you and to express how much I (and the rest of our family) appreciates the...

Pep Talks

Over the past 8 or so years I’ve given Patrick countless pep talks. He is an incredible student and an incredible person, but has a way of doubting himself that can bring him to an almost standstill. First there were the pep talks about getting into med school...

The Match

Again, if you’ll recall from my very first post, there were a few major life events that shaped my vision for this blog. Event #2: The Match. You had better sit down. This is a long story. The Match (yes, I’m going to capitalize it as if it’s a...